Salt on Our Skin 1992

Romance Romance

A Scottish woman who attends school in Paris comes home for the summer and helps take in the straw, where she meets an attractive and simple man. They begin a torrid affair despite the differences in their lifestyles. He asks her ...

Tutti i titoli
  • DE: Salt on Our Skin Salt on Our Skin
  • AR: La piel del deseo La piel del deseo
  • BR: A Pele do Desejo A Pele do Desejo
  • BG: Сол по кожата Сол по кожата
  • FI: Suolaa ihollamme Suolaa ihollamme
  • FR: Les vaisseaux du coeur Les vaisseaux du coeur
  • DE: Salz auf unserer Haut Salz auf unserer Haut
  • HU: A szerelem fészkei A szerelem fészkei
  • IT: Il sale sulla pelle Il sale sulla pelle
  • NL: Zout op mijn huid Zout op mijn huid
  • PL: Słony smak miłości Słony smak miłości
  • PT: O Sal na Nossa Pele O Sal na Nossa Pele
  • RU: Соль на нашей коже Соль на нашей коже
  • ES: Deseo a flor de piel Deseo a flor de piel
  • TR: Tendeki Tuz Tendeki Tuz
  • UA: Salt on Our Skin Salt on Our Skin
  • US: Desire Desire
Data di rilascio 17 Sep 1992
Link IMDb
