Les mondes engloutis 1985

Animation Adventure Comedy Fantasy

Long ago, the mystical civilization of Arkadia was one of the most advanced places on Earth, until the end of the world came and forced the land and it's people underground. After that ...

Tutti i titoli
  • FR: Les mondes engloutis Les mondes engloutis
  • FR: Spartakus a podmorské slunce Spartakus a podmorské slunce
  • GR: Arkadia Arkadia
  • HU: Az elsüllyedt világok Az elsüllyedt világok
  • IT: I mondi assorbiti I mondi assorbiti
  • JP: Onigiri Arkadia monogatari Onigiri Arkadia monogatari
  • NO: Arkadia Arkadia
  • PL: Szagma albo zaginione swiaty Szagma albo zaginione swiaty
  • PT: Shagma e os Mundos Misteriosos Shagma e os Mundos Misteriosos
  • RO: Spartacus si soarele de dincolo de mari Spartacus si soarele de dincolo de mari
  • ES: Los mundos sumergidos Los mundos sumergidos
  • TR: Kayip Dünyalar Kayip Dünyalar
  • US: Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea
  • : The Absorbed Worlds The Absorbed Worlds
Data di rilascio 11 Sep 1986
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