Death of a Dynasty 2007

Musical Comedy

Dash is the CEO of Roc-a-Fella records, home to hip-hop's biggest seller: Jay Z. The film tells the story of a beef between Dash and Z over a disconcertingly teenage looking party chick called Picasso.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Death of a Dynasty Death of a Dynasty
  • FR: Death of a Dynasty Death of a Dynasty
  • JP: デス・オブ・ア・ダイナスティ HIP HOPは死なないぜ! デス・オブ・ア・ダイナスティ HIP HOPは死なないぜ!
  • UA: Death of a Dynasty Death of a Dynasty
  • US: Death of a Dynasty Death of a Dynasty
Data di rilascio 21 Jul 2007
Link IMDb
