Daisy Miller 1974

Comedy Drama Romance

In this comedy of manners, Frederick Winterbourne tries to figure out the bright and bubbly Daisy Miller, only to be helped and hindered by false judgments from their fellow friends.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Daisy Miller Daisy Miller
  • AR: Daisy Miller Daisy Miller
  • FI: Daisy Miller Daisy Miller
  • PL: Daisy Miller Daisy Miller
  • PT: Uma Mulher às Direitas Uma Mulher às Direitas
  • RO: Daisy Miller Daisy Miller
  • RS: Dejzi Miler Dejzi Miler
  • US: Дейзи Миллер Дейзи Миллер
  • ES: Una señorita rebelde Una señorita rebelde
Data di rilascio 24 Jan 1975
Link IMDb
